Sunday, November 25, 2012

Cycle 5

This cycle was cut short.  I'm not sure how many days we were supposed to have but we didn't have very many due to the storm.  I think we lost like 4 days.  Anyway, this cycle we worked primarily with Access.  We also worked on the Legacy project which I personally think was a waste of time because we had lost so many days.  We were supposed to work with both access and JavaScript but we only did more Access.  I worked a lot this cycle.  I'm not sure if anyone else in the class does WBL, but I definitely like it.  It's nice to go to work, get paid and still get credit for class.  I think they should be able to do it in academics too.  The only problem with that would be all the work one would have to make up.  I went to Florida in October for a week and when I came back I had A TON OF WORK!.  Stacks on stacks of papers to do.  It definitely was not fun to have to do all that work at one time.  Overall I think this cycle went smoothly however I felt like they should have extended the cycle just so we could have a little more time to work on other things we planned to do.     

Monday, October 15, 2012

Cycle 3

This Cycle we worked on JavaScript, and Access.  We also had a project for Mr. Sid, were we had to install a bunch of operating systems on the computers in our theory room.  With all that we also had to finish our Adobe independent work.  I'm lucky, I get to do WBL (Work based learning).  14 hours a week, normally only Monday and Friday.  I still have to make up the work I miss but it's okay because I get to make money instead of go to school.  This cycle was definitely a little different than in past years because of all the work and also the WBL.  I can handle it though so I'm not worried.  I enjoy working so making up my work is not a big deal.  JavaScript work was easy for me.  Its just a bunch of code within an HTML document.  As for Access, I might need some more practice.  It's not that its hard to use but for me its just no very interesting.  I don't really see myself using it too much in the future, that's why my interests are in other places. The legacy project was kind of cool.  It was a big pain in the neck though.  My group had to install DOS 7.1, Windows 95 and Windows ME.  DOS was the easiest because we were able to find an ISO that we put on a disk and installed it.  It was already pretty much setup for us.  The other OS's were a bit tougher.  I was able to get Windows 95 up and running after a ton of time troubleshooting.  As for Windows ME, i wasn't here on the last day of the cycle so I'm not sure whether or not the group was able to do it or not.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cycle 1

This cycle was the start of junior year.  I'm sad summer is over yet also excited to start the new school year. We started off doing some excel work this year, using databases and also new functions.  After that we worked with HTML as a review of last year.  We did this together as a class so it was nice to not have to do it all on my own.  Lastly is the big project due next cycle.  We have to choose one Adobe program and do a certain amount of lessons with it.  I'm doing Photoshop CS5.  It is definitely not the most exciting thing that I have to do, but I have to do it.  I definitely procrastinated on doing some of this work.  Luckily I have until next cycle to get it all done so I'm not worried about finishing it.  I think I was just lazy this cycle because it is the start of the year.  As the year goes on I will definitely become more productive.  I'm am looking forward to what the rest of this year holds for me.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Cycle 19 Week 2

This week was pretty good.  Brad, Mike and I worked on our independent study project together.  We ran into a bunch of hiccups at the beginning but by the end of the week we had it all up and running.  We made a computer cluster with 6 total nodes including the Master node.  From the start I kind of got stressed out because I didn't think we could get it done.  Then we finally we found PelicanHPC a live CD that allowed the formation of cluster computers through PIXIE boot.  It felt great to get a final product.  I felt like the time we put in finally was worth it.  It was cool to have this cluster all setup and could say that I was a part of making it work.  We then revised our timeline and wrote up a final write-up.  I'm using golden tickets on my portfolio because I really don't want to make it.  This is our last full day of shop this year.  It was a fun year no doubt but I'm so glad I'm one year closer to getting out of high school.    

Monday, June 11, 2012

Cycle 19 Week 1

I was absent on Friday but this overall week was good.  We come to shop on Wednesday and this is the last cycle.  This cycle we are doing our independent study.  We get to pick something to work on and then have to follow a timeline to ultimately get the project done.  By the end of the cycle we have to have a portfolio done as well as a revised timeline and also a final write-up.  We will also show Mr.Sid what we got done.  Brad and Mike are in my group and we are setting up a cluster computer.  It is definitely not as easy as I thought it would be.  We had trouble just getting the the operating system installed.  We worked through it but since I wasn't there on Friday I'll have to figure out what got done.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Cycle 17 Week 2

Today is another half day!!! I got all of my work done today.  It feels good that now I can relax on Tuesday when we get back.  I didn't think I'd be able to get everything done but its all good.  Now I can take it easy.  The minute I get home I getting in the car and I'm going to my place in Maine.  SO EXCITED.  Can't wait to get home!  This whole week was pretty good.  We got the new video cards finally and now everyone has dual monitors.  We installed the cards and also got all the monitors setup on Wed.  It is so much better.  I feel more productive already.  Monday we have off and I'll still be in Maine.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Cycle 17 Week 1

Today is a half day!  Since I'm blogging it's also Friday.  BEST COMBO EVER!  This week was pretty good. I actually learned a lot.  We worked with Photoshop and had a few assignments to do.  My favorite assignment was the custom background.  We had to make a custom background (obviously) by using everything we had learned in past lessons.  I made a gradient background with different paint splatters on it.  I put a few other features and I think it looks really good.  I have it set as my background right now.  We also switched classes too.  We are working in Alice 2.0, it's part of our programming that we have to learn.  Personally I want to work with Java but as of right now I can't.  Hopefully in the near future I'll have a chance to experiment a little with it and see if it's something worth working with.

Friday, April 27, 2012

Day 2 Cycle 15

Today is Friday, obviously because we only have to blog on Fridays now.  This week was pretty easy.  Tuesday through Thursday Mr. Sid wasn't here so I did a whole bunch of  stuff.  I worked in 3ds Max, spent some time reading about Java, finished my CSS project and worked in Access.  I did a lot but at my own pace.  It was nice to not have a load of work that had to get done.  The Access work is due Monday but I only have 1 more of those to do.  I want to learn more with Java but since I have no programming background knowledge, it seems kind of difficult to first grasp.  I want to see people do it in real life.  I think if I see it being used it will become easier to learn and use.  I think Monday is the last day of the cycle.  It is also a half day.  We didn't have a long cycle so hopefully when we come back we'll have more time to do more stuff.

Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 1 Cycle 15

Today is Friday!  We started working with 3ds Max.  We all connected to a meeting in TeamViewer and watched the training videos.  It was sort of annoying at first because we all had the option to type in a chat menu, and every time someone would type something a chat menu would popup right in front of the video we were watching.  I personally don't care for 3ds Max but I think once it gets more complicated and we can build objects and stuff, it'll be more fun.  Right now we are just going over the basics of were everything is and what each icon and object does.  Also today we are only required to blog on Fridays and comment on Wednesday.  I think it is better off because it's pretty annoying to do a blog everyday and then wait for other people to do theirs so you can comment.  Now we don't have to worry too much about whether or not we forgot to do one of the blogs.  Overall I was happy the way today went.  Hopefully next week will be good too.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 9 Cycle 13

Today is a half day!...and its Thursday.  Tomorrow we have the day off and it's Friday.  I'm pretty stoked to have a day off cause I need a break.  Monday we start academics so I'm not really looking forward to that but its only 4 day and then we have next Friday off too.  Then the following week we have off.  After April break well go back to academics again for a week and then back to shop.  I didn't really learn anything today because I didn't really do that much.  I pretty much chilled.  Tied up some lose ends but that's about it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 7 Cycle 13

Today I started working on my CSS website project thing.  I have more work to do on it tomorrow but it's just about done.  I finished my website for my computer build and everything relating to that.  I made three videos and then put them altogether into one video.  It was an .AVI file so I used a program to convert it into a .FLV so I could import it into Dreamweaver.  The only problem with that was it put a watermark right in the middle of the video.  Another problem is that I can't upload it to the 000webhost because when uploading files to it each file can't be larger than 5mb.  My video is about 130mb so I'll have to hand it in on my Z drive and figure it out next cycle.  I'm running out of time so my main concern right now is getting my CSS website thing done.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 5 Cycle 13

Today I brought my computer in.  I worked on my website a little bit.  All I have to do is put my video into the site and then resize the pictures.  I still have the CSS website to do but I feel like that won't be terribly hard.  I'll see if anyone else has done it already and see if they will help me.  It's Friday so I'm pretty happy about going home.  This weekend is gonna be awesome.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 3 Cycle 13

Today I worked on my computer build website.  I didn't like how it was coming along so I basically started it over today.  It is almost completed I just have to make a video and put it on the website along with some pictures and some more text.  I feel good about everything now because I don't have to do the Flash work.  I was kind of really not wanting to do that so I used my tickets.  Now I only have to make websites.  One for CSS and one for my computer build.  I think on Friday I'm going to bring my machine in and make the video I need.  It's also my birthday today so I'm gonna go get my permit soon.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 1 Cycle 13

Today I worked on my CSS work.  I worked on it non stop and got it all done.  I counted and there are 90 in total.  That means there are a total of 180 pages i had to make...90 index files and 90 style sheets.  If I have to type .html again I might actually jump out a window.  I am so glad to have it done.  All I have to do now is that website with CSS.  I was extremely productive today and I learned so cool stuff with CSS. I unfortunately don't think I'm going to use CSS much in my life.  Tomorrow we are doing stuff with flash that I don't want to do.  I'm not a flash kind of guy.  Hopefully it won't be hard.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 9 Cycle 11

Today we got a 90 minute delay due to some snow.  It's also Friday so I'm pretty happy.  It's a lot easier to wake up at 7:30 than it is to get up at 6.  Unfortunately though it is the last day of the cycle.  I really don't want to go to academics but we have to get all of our CAPT tests done so it'll be good to get them out of the way.  Today we also took our DWTA so that's done.  I'm gonna probably do all my CSS stuff during the academic cycle or just wait until we get back to shop.  Not sure yet.  I like to procrastinate but I really don't want to have to deal with it next cycle and then have to do more work on top of it.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 7 Cycle 11

Today we started doing CSS stuff on W3schools.  I don't know how I feel about it yet.  It's cool but I don't think I'm gonna use it very much.  I also setup an FTP server at my house so I got a ticket for that.  I used it yesterday too, to get a disk for Mike.  Hes doing that hairdressing teacher's laptop.  My 000webhost account still hasn't verified so I'm waiting for that to get my website on the internet.  Hopefully we won't have Excel work to do tomorrow because we didn't have it today.  Also we have to do our DWTA sometime soon.  Not sure when that's gonna happen.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 5 Cycle 11

Today we did more stuff with HTTP web hosting.  We ran into some problems with because it stacks up IP addesses so to get around this I used a proxy.  I have to post my computer project up on the whole 000webhost thing.  I have a lot of work now to do on the website because I have to do it all through Dreamweaver.  I don't really know what I'm doing so it'll take longer than I thought.  After lunch we did more Excel work.  It was a lot of stuff, like 30 pages.  Luckily its all done so I don't have to worry about it now.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 3 Cycle 11

Today we setup an HTTP server.  It was pretty self explanatory.  I also switched a screen in a laptop and have to re-install windows on it.  I'm gonna bring in my disks tomorrow because I have one that works good.  I will get that all finished tomorrow and then get tickets so I don't have to do the 3 tutorials.  After lunch we did Excel work which was easy so we flew through it.  I also have an Excel quiz I have to do so tomorrow I will also finish that.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 2 Cycle 11

Today is Friday.  There is so much work to do its crazy.  I have a million tutorials left to do and all the new work we got today.  I was busy working on my website cause I need to get that done.  Hopefully we will have time to do stuff on Tuesday because I need more time to do all this stuff.  I Worked good today but I feel like I didn't get anything done because I have so much more work left.  It's a long weekend so hopefully I can relax.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 1 Cycle 11

Today we did stuff on FTP servers.  We had to make one and now we have to do tutorials.  I don't like tutorials so I'm gonna try and get some tickets to use instead.  I learned that FTP servers are easy to setup. The problem I had was that I was making it more complicated then it had to be.  Once we went over it in class though I realized what I did wrong.  I want to also get my website done for my computer build I might have to finish it at home because I don't have much time during class.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 11 Cycle 9

Today Adam and I setup our remote desktop and VNC connections.  I was able to solve the problem of why VNC wasn't working so I was able to get out of doing the work we had to do.  It was an easy day and tomorrow we have to go back to academics.  We also have to post comments on other blogs today.  I learned that VNC connections are kind of hard to setup if you don't know what you're doing.

Day 10 Cycle 9

Today in IST we started going over using remote desktop and also VNC connections.  It was pretty cool and I want to learn more about it.  I learned that the windows remote assistants can be a major vulnerability when it comes to getting into someones computer.  I was productive today.  I did everything I had to do.  Tomorrow is the last day of the cycle.  Hopefully tomorrow will be an easy day.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 9 Cycle 9

Today I was Absent

Day 8 Cycle 9

Today we continued with our debate.  Google Chrome is in the lead.  I'm on that team so it's all good.  We are almost done with it so that's good.  Then after that we did Excel stuff.  I took more pictures of my computer so I can make my website.  The website is coming out pretty good.  Hopefully it will look like I'm picturing it will by the time I'm done.  Today I learned that Opera is better than I thought it was.  It is only 2 points away from chrome in our debate.  I still prefer Google Chrome though.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 7 Cycle 9

Today we started our debate.  It went good but then we all had the same information so it got really boring. Also my phone decided to be stupid and lose all my pictures so that now I don't have any photos to use for documenting my computer build.  I guess it's okay now though because I can still document stuff I just can't have a step-by-step build procedure.  I'll have before and after pics of the old build and new build plus temperatures. It was a good day...nice and easy.  Tomorrow we will finish our debate and do more excel stuff.

Day 6 Cycle 9

Today I got some more research for the debate.  We will be debating tomorrow.  Hopefully it will go well.  It was a slow day though because I have everything done.  Tonight I'm going to get the pictures off my phone so I can document the computer project.  I'll probably take a few more pictures of everything done and working.  I'll also take some pictures of temperatures.  I was productive today and learned that Google Chrome is Behind Mozilla Firefox in terms of users but will soon have more users than it.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 5 Cycle 9

Today I got all the Excel things done.  I don't have to do the Google Doodle thing anymore because I used my golden ticket.  I learned that Google Chrome has a feature called Sandboxing which makes it possible that if one tab closes no of the others do so you don't have to reopen everything you were working on.  I think Google Chrome is the best.  I liked today but I feel like a have a lot of work to still do. I got my whole computer thing done but now I have to document the project which is the worst part.  Hopefully it will all go smoothly.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 4 Cycle 9

Today I almost finished building my machine.  All I have to do is make sure everything doesn't leak and then take a few more pictures to document it when its complete.  Then with all the pictures ill put it into a website or something showing step by step what I did and why I did it.  We also went down to HVAC a couple days ago and they agreed to help build a chiller for the project.  I'm a little iffy about it but if it works it works....well find out I guess. I really hope the silica gel will get rid of airborne moisture so then with the cold water everything won't condense.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 3 Cycle 9

Today I brought in my computer to start documenting.  We also went over some of the internet stuff.  After lunch we came back and did some Excel stuff.  Excel is really dry but hopefully I'll learn something new.  I will hopefully be done documenting tomorrow.  I then have to put all the pictures and information into a website or something.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 2 Cycle 9

Today we all went to Kapco.  We left at around 8, got there at 9 and then got a tour.  They had food for us which was cool.  Unfortunately I wasn't hungry. After we got a tour people talked to us about what they did for the company and how the company worked.  They also talked about a problem they had with bandwidth.  Overall it was really informative.  Afterwards we went home with server stuff they gave us.  We stopped to get some food, and then refueled the bus.  By state law you have to be outside when it's being fueled.  I'm glad it wasn't cold.(sarcasm).  Overall I thought it was a good day. Tomorrow I'm gonna work on my machine.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 1 Cycle 9

Today I finished the skills USA worksheet and the internet essay thing.  I'm not doing the mineral oil thing anymore. I'm gonna put the parts in my little case and then document the process of putting it together. Also I'm gonna use Silica gel to hopefully suck moisture from the air.  It was overall a good day and I was productive. Tomorrow we are going to Capco so we won't be doing very much.  I really want to be done with my computer so hopefully I'll get it done soon.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 10 Cycle 7

Today we went over the internet advertisement questions.  I didn't really do anything today other than that.  It's the last day of the cycle so there really wasn't anything to do.  I will hopefully finish my project next cycle.  Not sure how long it'll take but if I'm productive I should be able to get it done.  I'm gonna hopefully figure out a way to make the whole thing sealed tight so no liquids can leak out. I also have to figure out how to drain and fill the liquids while keeping the whole thing watertight.

Day 9 Cycle 7

Today I did that research we had to do about the internet ads.  It was easy so I was able to get it done pretty quick.  I took breaks in between so it was all good.  I want to start my project really bad.  I have some doubts about how I'm gonna route tubes and stuff....I know it'll work its just been a while since I've been going over the plans so in order to get it back into my head I have to do more work with it.  I can't wait for it to be done.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012