Monday, April 23, 2012

Day 1 Cycle 15

Today is Friday!  We started working with 3ds Max.  We all connected to a meeting in TeamViewer and watched the training videos.  It was sort of annoying at first because we all had the option to type in a chat menu, and every time someone would type something a chat menu would popup right in front of the video we were watching.  I personally don't care for 3ds Max but I think once it gets more complicated and we can build objects and stuff, it'll be more fun.  Right now we are just going over the basics of were everything is and what each icon and object does.  Also today we are only required to blog on Fridays and comment on Wednesday.  I think it is better off because it's pretty annoying to do a blog everyday and then wait for other people to do theirs so you can comment.  Now we don't have to worry too much about whether or not we forgot to do one of the blogs.  Overall I was happy the way today went.  Hopefully next week will be good too.

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