Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cycle 1

This cycle was the start of junior year.  I'm sad summer is over yet also excited to start the new school year. We started off doing some excel work this year, using databases and also new functions.  After that we worked with HTML as a review of last year.  We did this together as a class so it was nice to not have to do it all on my own.  Lastly is the big project due next cycle.  We have to choose one Adobe program and do a certain amount of lessons with it.  I'm doing Photoshop CS5.  It is definitely not the most exciting thing that I have to do, but I have to do it.  I definitely procrastinated on doing some of this work.  Luckily I have until next cycle to get it all done so I'm not worried about finishing it.  I think I was just lazy this cycle because it is the start of the year.  As the year goes on I will definitely become more productive.  I'm am looking forward to what the rest of this year holds for me.

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