Monday, June 18, 2012

Cycle 19 Week 2

This week was pretty good.  Brad, Mike and I worked on our independent study project together.  We ran into a bunch of hiccups at the beginning but by the end of the week we had it all up and running.  We made a computer cluster with 6 total nodes including the Master node.  From the start I kind of got stressed out because I didn't think we could get it done.  Then we finally we found PelicanHPC a live CD that allowed the formation of cluster computers through PIXIE boot.  It felt great to get a final product.  I felt like the time we put in finally was worth it.  It was cool to have this cluster all setup and could say that I was a part of making it work.  We then revised our timeline and wrote up a final write-up.  I'm using golden tickets on my portfolio because I really don't want to make it.  This is our last full day of shop this year.  It was a fun year no doubt but I'm so glad I'm one year closer to getting out of high school.    

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