Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 7 Cycle 11

Today we started doing CSS stuff on W3schools.  I don't know how I feel about it yet.  It's cool but I don't think I'm gonna use it very much.  I also setup an FTP server at my house so I got a ticket for that.  I used it yesterday too, to get a disk for Mike.  Hes doing that hairdressing teacher's laptop.  My 000webhost account still hasn't verified so I'm waiting for that to get my website on the internet.  Hopefully we won't have Excel work to do tomorrow because we didn't have it today.  Also we have to do our DWTA sometime soon.  Not sure when that's gonna happen.


  1. Cascading Style Sheets. Its used for styling a webpage

  2. Wow thanks for the information it really helped. Now I understand.

  3. Nice blog Steve, Alfredo, I hope your comments aren't serious. It would be nice to see these comments used for more complicating discussions. Anyways, Steve, I was thinking about that issue with the laptops that won't (or crash) at the beginning of a boot, especially like the one Mike was having issues with and the one you mentioned at your work. I would use Ultimate Boot CD and test for faulty hardware, especially the memory. For example, after you press 'any key' to boot from CD, the CD loads start-up files to the RAM, and if there is a hardware problem, things will crash, halt, or blue-screen.
