Monday, May 21, 2012

Cycle 17 Week 1

Today is a half day!  Since I'm blogging it's also Friday.  BEST COMBO EVER!  This week was pretty good. I actually learned a lot.  We worked with Photoshop and had a few assignments to do.  My favorite assignment was the custom background.  We had to make a custom background (obviously) by using everything we had learned in past lessons.  I made a gradient background with different paint splatters on it.  I put a few other features and I think it looks really good.  I have it set as my background right now.  We also switched classes too.  We are working in Alice 2.0, it's part of our programming that we have to learn.  Personally I want to work with Java but as of right now I can't.  Hopefully in the near future I'll have a chance to experiment a little with it and see if it's something worth working with.

1 comment:

  1. I also liked the half day, but I find it hard to focus and learn about two different subjects and switching back and forth.
