Sunday, November 25, 2012

Cycle 5

This cycle was cut short.  I'm not sure how many days we were supposed to have but we didn't have very many due to the storm.  I think we lost like 4 days.  Anyway, this cycle we worked primarily with Access.  We also worked on the Legacy project which I personally think was a waste of time because we had lost so many days.  We were supposed to work with both access and JavaScript but we only did more Access.  I worked a lot this cycle.  I'm not sure if anyone else in the class does WBL, but I definitely like it.  It's nice to go to work, get paid and still get credit for class.  I think they should be able to do it in academics too.  The only problem with that would be all the work one would have to make up.  I went to Florida in October for a week and when I came back I had A TON OF WORK!.  Stacks on stacks of papers to do.  It definitely was not fun to have to do all that work at one time.  Overall I think this cycle went smoothly however I felt like they should have extended the cycle just so we could have a little more time to work on other things we planned to do.     

Monday, October 15, 2012

Cycle 3

This Cycle we worked on JavaScript, and Access.  We also had a project for Mr. Sid, were we had to install a bunch of operating systems on the computers in our theory room.  With all that we also had to finish our Adobe independent work.  I'm lucky, I get to do WBL (Work based learning).  14 hours a week, normally only Monday and Friday.  I still have to make up the work I miss but it's okay because I get to make money instead of go to school.  This cycle was definitely a little different than in past years because of all the work and also the WBL.  I can handle it though so I'm not worried.  I enjoy working so making up my work is not a big deal.  JavaScript work was easy for me.  Its just a bunch of code within an HTML document.  As for Access, I might need some more practice.  It's not that its hard to use but for me its just no very interesting.  I don't really see myself using it too much in the future, that's why my interests are in other places. The legacy project was kind of cool.  It was a big pain in the neck though.  My group had to install DOS 7.1, Windows 95 and Windows ME.  DOS was the easiest because we were able to find an ISO that we put on a disk and installed it.  It was already pretty much setup for us.  The other OS's were a bit tougher.  I was able to get Windows 95 up and running after a ton of time troubleshooting.  As for Windows ME, i wasn't here on the last day of the cycle so I'm not sure whether or not the group was able to do it or not.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Cycle 1

This cycle was the start of junior year.  I'm sad summer is over yet also excited to start the new school year. We started off doing some excel work this year, using databases and also new functions.  After that we worked with HTML as a review of last year.  We did this together as a class so it was nice to not have to do it all on my own.  Lastly is the big project due next cycle.  We have to choose one Adobe program and do a certain amount of lessons with it.  I'm doing Photoshop CS5.  It is definitely not the most exciting thing that I have to do, but I have to do it.  I definitely procrastinated on doing some of this work.  Luckily I have until next cycle to get it all done so I'm not worried about finishing it.  I think I was just lazy this cycle because it is the start of the year.  As the year goes on I will definitely become more productive.  I'm am looking forward to what the rest of this year holds for me.

Monday, June 18, 2012

Cycle 19 Week 2

This week was pretty good.  Brad, Mike and I worked on our independent study project together.  We ran into a bunch of hiccups at the beginning but by the end of the week we had it all up and running.  We made a computer cluster with 6 total nodes including the Master node.  From the start I kind of got stressed out because I didn't think we could get it done.  Then we finally we found PelicanHPC a live CD that allowed the formation of cluster computers through PIXIE boot.  It felt great to get a final product.  I felt like the time we put in finally was worth it.  It was cool to have this cluster all setup and could say that I was a part of making it work.  We then revised our timeline and wrote up a final write-up.  I'm using golden tickets on my portfolio because I really don't want to make it.  This is our last full day of shop this year.  It was a fun year no doubt but I'm so glad I'm one year closer to getting out of high school.    

Monday, June 11, 2012

Cycle 19 Week 1

I was absent on Friday but this overall week was good.  We come to shop on Wednesday and this is the last cycle.  This cycle we are doing our independent study.  We get to pick something to work on and then have to follow a timeline to ultimately get the project done.  By the end of the cycle we have to have a portfolio done as well as a revised timeline and also a final write-up.  We will also show Mr.Sid what we got done.  Brad and Mike are in my group and we are setting up a cluster computer.  It is definitely not as easy as I thought it would be.  We had trouble just getting the the operating system installed.  We worked through it but since I wasn't there on Friday I'll have to figure out what got done.

Friday, May 25, 2012

Cycle 17 Week 2

Today is another half day!!! I got all of my work done today.  It feels good that now I can relax on Tuesday when we get back.  I didn't think I'd be able to get everything done but its all good.  Now I can take it easy.  The minute I get home I getting in the car and I'm going to my place in Maine.  SO EXCITED.  Can't wait to get home!  This whole week was pretty good.  We got the new video cards finally and now everyone has dual monitors.  We installed the cards and also got all the monitors setup on Wed.  It is so much better.  I feel more productive already.  Monday we have off and I'll still be in Maine.

Monday, May 21, 2012

Cycle 17 Week 1

Today is a half day!  Since I'm blogging it's also Friday.  BEST COMBO EVER!  This week was pretty good. I actually learned a lot.  We worked with Photoshop and had a few assignments to do.  My favorite assignment was the custom background.  We had to make a custom background (obviously) by using everything we had learned in past lessons.  I made a gradient background with different paint splatters on it.  I put a few other features and I think it looks really good.  I have it set as my background right now.  We also switched classes too.  We are working in Alice 2.0, it's part of our programming that we have to learn.  Personally I want to work with Java but as of right now I can't.  Hopefully in the near future I'll have a chance to experiment a little with it and see if it's something worth working with.