Sunday, February 26, 2012

Day 9 Cycle 11

Today we got a 90 minute delay due to some snow.  It's also Friday so I'm pretty happy.  It's a lot easier to wake up at 7:30 than it is to get up at 6.  Unfortunately though it is the last day of the cycle.  I really don't want to go to academics but we have to get all of our CAPT tests done so it'll be good to get them out of the way.  Today we also took our DWTA so that's done.  I'm gonna probably do all my CSS stuff during the academic cycle or just wait until we get back to shop.  Not sure yet.  I like to procrastinate but I really don't want to have to deal with it next cycle and then have to do more work on top of it.

Thursday, February 23, 2012

Day 7 Cycle 11

Today we started doing CSS stuff on W3schools.  I don't know how I feel about it yet.  It's cool but I don't think I'm gonna use it very much.  I also setup an FTP server at my house so I got a ticket for that.  I used it yesterday too, to get a disk for Mike.  Hes doing that hairdressing teacher's laptop.  My 000webhost account still hasn't verified so I'm waiting for that to get my website on the internet.  Hopefully we won't have Excel work to do tomorrow because we didn't have it today.  Also we have to do our DWTA sometime soon.  Not sure when that's gonna happen.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Day 5 Cycle 11

Today we did more stuff with HTTP web hosting.  We ran into some problems with because it stacks up IP addesses so to get around this I used a proxy.  I have to post my computer project up on the whole 000webhost thing.  I have a lot of work now to do on the website because I have to do it all through Dreamweaver.  I don't really know what I'm doing so it'll take longer than I thought.  After lunch we did more Excel work.  It was a lot of stuff, like 30 pages.  Luckily its all done so I don't have to worry about it now.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Day 3 Cycle 11

Today we setup an HTTP server.  It was pretty self explanatory.  I also switched a screen in a laptop and have to re-install windows on it.  I'm gonna bring in my disks tomorrow because I have one that works good.  I will get that all finished tomorrow and then get tickets so I don't have to do the 3 tutorials.  After lunch we did Excel work which was easy so we flew through it.  I also have an Excel quiz I have to do so tomorrow I will also finish that.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Day 2 Cycle 11

Today is Friday.  There is so much work to do its crazy.  I have a million tutorials left to do and all the new work we got today.  I was busy working on my website cause I need to get that done.  Hopefully we will have time to do stuff on Tuesday because I need more time to do all this stuff.  I Worked good today but I feel like I didn't get anything done because I have so much more work left.  It's a long weekend so hopefully I can relax.

Friday, February 10, 2012

Day 1 Cycle 11

Today we did stuff on FTP servers.  We had to make one and now we have to do tutorials.  I don't like tutorials so I'm gonna try and get some tickets to use instead.  I learned that FTP servers are easy to setup. The problem I had was that I was making it more complicated then it had to be.  Once we went over it in class though I realized what I did wrong.  I want to also get my website done for my computer build I might have to finish it at home because I don't have much time during class.