Thursday, March 29, 2012

Day 9 Cycle 13

Today is a half day!...and its Thursday.  Tomorrow we have the day off and it's Friday.  I'm pretty stoked to have a day off cause I need a break.  Monday we start academics so I'm not really looking forward to that but its only 4 day and then we have next Friday off too.  Then the following week we have off.  After April break well go back to academics again for a week and then back to shop.  I didn't really learn anything today because I didn't really do that much.  I pretty much chilled.  Tied up some lose ends but that's about it.

Wednesday, March 28, 2012

Day 7 Cycle 13

Today I started working on my CSS website project thing.  I have more work to do on it tomorrow but it's just about done.  I finished my website for my computer build and everything relating to that.  I made three videos and then put them altogether into one video.  It was an .AVI file so I used a program to convert it into a .FLV so I could import it into Dreamweaver.  The only problem with that was it put a watermark right in the middle of the video.  Another problem is that I can't upload it to the 000webhost because when uploading files to it each file can't be larger than 5mb.  My video is about 130mb so I'll have to hand it in on my Z drive and figure it out next cycle.  I'm running out of time so my main concern right now is getting my CSS website thing done.

Monday, March 26, 2012

Day 5 Cycle 13

Today I brought my computer in.  I worked on my website a little bit.  All I have to do is put my video into the site and then resize the pictures.  I still have the CSS website to do but I feel like that won't be terribly hard.  I'll see if anyone else has done it already and see if they will help me.  It's Friday so I'm pretty happy about going home.  This weekend is gonna be awesome.

Wednesday, March 21, 2012

Day 3 Cycle 13

Today I worked on my computer build website.  I didn't like how it was coming along so I basically started it over today.  It is almost completed I just have to make a video and put it on the website along with some pictures and some more text.  I feel good about everything now because I don't have to do the Flash work.  I was kind of really not wanting to do that so I used my tickets.  Now I only have to make websites.  One for CSS and one for my computer build.  I think on Friday I'm going to bring my machine in and make the video I need.  It's also my birthday today so I'm gonna go get my permit soon.

Monday, March 19, 2012

Day 1 Cycle 13

Today I worked on my CSS work.  I worked on it non stop and got it all done.  I counted and there are 90 in total.  That means there are a total of 180 pages i had to make...90 index files and 90 style sheets.  If I have to type .html again I might actually jump out a window.  I am so glad to have it done.  All I have to do now is that website with CSS.  I was extremely productive today and I learned so cool stuff with CSS. I unfortunately don't think I'm going to use CSS much in my life.  Tomorrow we are doing stuff with flash that I don't want to do.  I'm not a flash kind of guy.  Hopefully it won't be hard.