Monday, June 18, 2012

Cycle 19 Week 2

This week was pretty good.  Brad, Mike and I worked on our independent study project together.  We ran into a bunch of hiccups at the beginning but by the end of the week we had it all up and running.  We made a computer cluster with 6 total nodes including the Master node.  From the start I kind of got stressed out because I didn't think we could get it done.  Then we finally we found PelicanHPC a live CD that allowed the formation of cluster computers through PIXIE boot.  It felt great to get a final product.  I felt like the time we put in finally was worth it.  It was cool to have this cluster all setup and could say that I was a part of making it work.  We then revised our timeline and wrote up a final write-up.  I'm using golden tickets on my portfolio because I really don't want to make it.  This is our last full day of shop this year.  It was a fun year no doubt but I'm so glad I'm one year closer to getting out of high school.    

Monday, June 11, 2012

Cycle 19 Week 1

I was absent on Friday but this overall week was good.  We come to shop on Wednesday and this is the last cycle.  This cycle we are doing our independent study.  We get to pick something to work on and then have to follow a timeline to ultimately get the project done.  By the end of the cycle we have to have a portfolio done as well as a revised timeline and also a final write-up.  We will also show Mr.Sid what we got done.  Brad and Mike are in my group and we are setting up a cluster computer.  It is definitely not as easy as I thought it would be.  We had trouble just getting the the operating system installed.  We worked through it but since I wasn't there on Friday I'll have to figure out what got done.