Monday, October 15, 2012

Cycle 3

This Cycle we worked on JavaScript, and Access.  We also had a project for Mr. Sid, were we had to install a bunch of operating systems on the computers in our theory room.  With all that we also had to finish our Adobe independent work.  I'm lucky, I get to do WBL (Work based learning).  14 hours a week, normally only Monday and Friday.  I still have to make up the work I miss but it's okay because I get to make money instead of go to school.  This cycle was definitely a little different than in past years because of all the work and also the WBL.  I can handle it though so I'm not worried.  I enjoy working so making up my work is not a big deal.  JavaScript work was easy for me.  Its just a bunch of code within an HTML document.  As for Access, I might need some more practice.  It's not that its hard to use but for me its just no very interesting.  I don't really see myself using it too much in the future, that's why my interests are in other places. The legacy project was kind of cool.  It was a big pain in the neck though.  My group had to install DOS 7.1, Windows 95 and Windows ME.  DOS was the easiest because we were able to find an ISO that we put on a disk and installed it.  It was already pretty much setup for us.  The other OS's were a bit tougher.  I was able to get Windows 95 up and running after a ton of time troubleshooting.  As for Windows ME, i wasn't here on the last day of the cycle so I'm not sure whether or not the group was able to do it or not.