Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Day 11 Cycle 9

Today Adam and I setup our remote desktop and VNC connections.  I was able to solve the problem of why VNC wasn't working so I was able to get out of doing the work we had to do.  It was an easy day and tomorrow we have to go back to academics.  We also have to post comments on other blogs today.  I learned that VNC connections are kind of hard to setup if you don't know what you're doing.

Day 10 Cycle 9

Today in IST we started going over using remote desktop and also VNC connections.  It was pretty cool and I want to learn more about it.  I learned that the windows remote assistants can be a major vulnerability when it comes to getting into someones computer.  I was productive today.  I did everything I had to do.  Tomorrow is the last day of the cycle.  Hopefully tomorrow will be an easy day.

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Day 9 Cycle 9

Today I was Absent

Day 8 Cycle 9

Today we continued with our debate.  Google Chrome is in the lead.  I'm on that team so it's all good.  We are almost done with it so that's good.  Then after that we did Excel stuff.  I took more pictures of my computer so I can make my website.  The website is coming out pretty good.  Hopefully it will look like I'm picturing it will by the time I'm done.  Today I learned that Opera is better than I thought it was.  It is only 2 points away from chrome in our debate.  I still prefer Google Chrome though.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Day 7 Cycle 9

Today we started our debate.  It went good but then we all had the same information so it got really boring. Also my phone decided to be stupid and lose all my pictures so that now I don't have any photos to use for documenting my computer build.  I guess it's okay now though because I can still document stuff I just can't have a step-by-step build procedure.  I'll have before and after pics of the old build and new build plus temperatures. It was a good day...nice and easy.  Tomorrow we will finish our debate and do more excel stuff.

Day 6 Cycle 9

Today I got some more research for the debate.  We will be debating tomorrow.  Hopefully it will go well.  It was a slow day though because I have everything done.  Tonight I'm going to get the pictures off my phone so I can document the computer project.  I'll probably take a few more pictures of everything done and working.  I'll also take some pictures of temperatures.  I was productive today and learned that Google Chrome is Behind Mozilla Firefox in terms of users but will soon have more users than it.

Monday, January 23, 2012

Day 5 Cycle 9

Today I got all the Excel things done.  I don't have to do the Google Doodle thing anymore because I used my golden ticket.  I learned that Google Chrome has a feature called Sandboxing which makes it possible that if one tab closes no of the others do so you don't have to reopen everything you were working on.  I think Google Chrome is the best.  I liked today but I feel like a have a lot of work to still do. I got my whole computer thing done but now I have to document the project which is the worst part.  Hopefully it will all go smoothly.

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Day 4 Cycle 9

Today I almost finished building my machine.  All I have to do is make sure everything doesn't leak and then take a few more pictures to document it when its complete.  Then with all the pictures ill put it into a website or something showing step by step what I did and why I did it.  We also went down to HVAC a couple days ago and they agreed to help build a chiller for the project.  I'm a little iffy about it but if it works it works....well find out I guess. I really hope the silica gel will get rid of airborne moisture so then with the cold water everything won't condense.

Friday, January 20, 2012

Day 3 Cycle 9

Today I brought in my computer to start documenting.  We also went over some of the internet stuff.  After lunch we came back and did some Excel stuff.  Excel is really dry but hopefully I'll learn something new.  I will hopefully be done documenting tomorrow.  I then have to put all the pictures and information into a website or something.

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Day 2 Cycle 9

Today we all went to Kapco.  We left at around 8, got there at 9 and then got a tour.  They had food for us which was cool.  Unfortunately I wasn't hungry. After we got a tour people talked to us about what they did for the company and how the company worked.  They also talked about a problem they had with bandwidth.  Overall it was really informative.  Afterwards we went home with server stuff they gave us.  We stopped to get some food, and then refueled the bus.  By state law you have to be outside when it's being fueled.  I'm glad it wasn't cold.(sarcasm).  Overall I thought it was a good day. Tomorrow I'm gonna work on my machine.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Day 1 Cycle 9

Today I finished the skills USA worksheet and the internet essay thing.  I'm not doing the mineral oil thing anymore. I'm gonna put the parts in my little case and then document the process of putting it together. Also I'm gonna use Silica gel to hopefully suck moisture from the air.  It was overall a good day and I was productive. Tomorrow we are going to Capco so we won't be doing very much.  I really want to be done with my computer so hopefully I'll get it done soon.

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Day 10 Cycle 7

Today we went over the internet advertisement questions.  I didn't really do anything today other than that.  It's the last day of the cycle so there really wasn't anything to do.  I will hopefully finish my project next cycle.  Not sure how long it'll take but if I'm productive I should be able to get it done.  I'm gonna hopefully figure out a way to make the whole thing sealed tight so no liquids can leak out. I also have to figure out how to drain and fill the liquids while keeping the whole thing watertight.

Day 9 Cycle 7

Today I did that research we had to do about the internet ads.  It was easy so I was able to get it done pretty quick.  I took breaks in between so it was all good.  I want to start my project really bad.  I have some doubts about how I'm gonna route tubes and stuff....I know it'll work its just been a while since I've been going over the plans so in order to get it back into my head I have to do more work with it.  I can't wait for it to be done.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012