Friday, December 23, 2011

Day 7 Cycle 7

Today I put together my normal watercooled machine.  It was really cool because I had to rewire my whole machine and also add the tubing to run the water through everything.  I'm gonna bring in 2 new fittings tomorrow and then ill be done putting it together.  After that I'm gonna run water through the system and then it'll all be good.  Tomorrow is a half day party so I'm pumped cause I"ll be able to use it and get temperatures.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day 6 Cycle 7

Today Mike and I finally came up with a plan to make that mineral oil tank.  We worked through every single problem so hopefully there won't be any problems when we are building it.  Obviously there probably will be.  I'm hopefully gonna get the glass stuff to make the tank after christmas.  Hopefully it will be done soon.  I HATE WAITING!!!  It was actually really hard to get a good drawing of the tank.  There are some many little problems to work out.  Little problems that turn out to be big problems.  It's all good now though

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Day 5 Cycle 7

Today I changed my mind....AGAIN.  I'm going to make both the watercooling and mineral oil thing.  I have to plan out a case that contains all the parts which is gonna be hard but I'm sure I'll figure it out.  I'm hopefully going to bring in the watercooling parts tomorrow but that won't really help me that much.  It was a good day overall though.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 4 Cycle 7

Today I felt like I didn't get much done.  Not sure how the project is gonna work...I have a lot of thinking to do. I'm sure it'll work out I just don't know how crazy I'm going to get with it.  I learned about this silicone stuff that I  can paint onto my motherboard to protect against condensation.  I have to research more on that.  I want this stuff to work really bad and I want to get everything to the point where it all works.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Day 3 Cycle 7

Today I learned that the best way to get this whole project to work is to combine both mineral oil and watercooling to make for the best results.  I'm pretty pumped to design this thing now.  In theory I don't have to worry about condensation now so I can use a lot of different of liquids to cool the components.  If I get into it I might be able to use liquid CO2 and stuff like that.  Also it's a half day so it's all good.  I really want to do this project.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Day 2 Cycle 7

Today Mike and I looked at diferent liquids to cool with and also how to possibly use peltiers.  I learned that condensation is a pain.  It's getting in the way of everything.  I really want to get this stuff done.  I'm really pumped to put all this stuff together.  Tomorrow is a half day so I'm sure it won't be that exciting.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 1 Cycle 7

Today Mike and I started making the website to document my liquid cooling project.  It seems like its goning to come out really good.  I figured I could take before and after pictures of my temperatures and then get a lot of pictures of building the whole thing.  It's going to be a lot of pictures so I'm hoping I can arrange them in such a way that the website won't be huge.  Today I learned that HTML is really complicated but easy to find out what I need to know.  Tonight I'm gonna buy the parts I need so I'm pretty pumped.