Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 10 Cycle 5

Today Mike and I started doing our mach cardboard setup.  It's not finished so hopefully tomorrow I'll get most of it done.  It's a half day tomorrow so I don't think I'll have time to finish the whole thing.  Overall I did good but got kind of lazy towards the end of the day because I knew tomorrow was a half day.  I learned that the way I have things setup might not work when trying to get at the DVI ports. I hope it all work out.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 9 Cycle 5

Today Mike and I finished up some designs for the lexan case.  Were going to make a mach setup out of cardboard tomorrow if we can.  I still have to order some mineral oil online and buy the lexan planes.  Next shop cycle I hope to get some of this project done.  Today I didn't really learn much, just some of the stuff for the DWTA.  We have to take that (sarcasm).  I really want to get this stuff done.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 8 Cycle 5

Today I brought in my machine to measure some parts.  I also did some more drawings.  Hopefully I'll be able to make this case soon.  I was pretty productive today I now have a few drawings to go on.  I learned that trying to find mineral oil at stores is like impossible.  I went to Sears, Walmart, HomeDepot and Lowes and no one had what I was looking for.  I'm gonna have to buy it online.  I want to learn more on how cold I can get the mineral oil and how it acts when its at colder temps.

Friday, November 18, 2011

day 7 Cycle 5

Today Mike and I made a drawing of the glass case I have to make for my mineral oil cooled PC.  I'm really excited to get this thing done but I know it will probably take a good amount of time.  Designing is the hardest part, and thats what I'm doing now.  I didn't learn anything new today but i did have to troubleshoot ideas about how to get everything to work in the case and stuf like that.  It's really complicated but i'll be really proud of it when I'm done.  I can't wait to start building this thing.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 6 Cycle 5

Today Adam and I finished the wireless cards.  I was happy to get those done because they were a major pain.  Mr. Sid had a good idea to do a project were I can make watercooling stuff for my computer.  I'm really excited about it because I really want to do that and I'm able to have my parents buy all the stuff I need.  They said they were excited for me because I really wanted to do all this stuff...they said they would be happy to fund all this stuff.  I'm pretty stoked, I just hope it works out all good and doesn't fry my motherboard and stuff.  I want to learn more about the watercooling setup so I'm going to do some research tomorrow.  I was productive overall today. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 5 Cycle 5

Today was a half day.  I didn't really do much today because I got all of my work done.  It was a good day to not do much because it was short.  I can't wait for the week to be over...I'm pretty tired.  I learned about compression ratios.  I want to learn more about high performance motors (superchargers/turbos).

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 4 Cycle 5

Today I finished all of my powerpoints except for one.  There pretty easy but I still have to watch the videos that you don't have to do any work one.  Overall I was productive.  I learned some little stuff with Powerpoint but nothing major.  I did a little with the wireless cards but it has to be started over so it didn't really matter because it didn't work.  Today was easy and tomorrow is a half day.  It's all good.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 3 Cycle 5

Today Mike and I had to modify those wireless cards.  We got a couple done but did everything else, now all we have to do is drill the holes and put them together.  The job is basically done.  Other than that I didn't really do much because it was an all day job.  I was as productive as possible but didn't learn much.  I want to learn about networking soon.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 2 Cycle 5

Today in IST we started doing PowerPoint work.  I'm not excited about this at all but I have to do it so it's all good I guess.  I want to learn stuff on networking because it's really in depth and you can make some major money in that field.  Today I didn't learn anything major just some small stuff in PowerPoint.  I had a good day today and got some of the PowerPoint things done so I was productive.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 1 Cycle 5

Today is Monday.  We finally went back to school after having a week off from the snow we got last sunday.  It was a nice vacation.  Tomorrow we have off again.  I didn't really do much today because it was a catch up day.  People had to get there averages past 75 but mine already was so I didn't have to do anything.  Also my finally project is done because iI used my golden tickets.  I wasn't productive because I didn't produce anything.  Overall it was a lazy day but it was a good day.