Friday, June 17, 2011

Cycle 18 Day 9

Today we didn't do much.  I saw some more presentations.  Mr.Sid's friend also skyped us which was cool because he is a penatration tester.  He does all that good hacking stuff.  I want to get into that stuff I think.  I didn't have any work to do so I wasn't productive.  I want to learn more on being a penetration tester because I was able to learn a lot about it today.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cycle 18 Day 8

Today we did some of the presentation.  It was for our IT attack research project.  People still have to present tomorrow.  Today was easy going so I enjoyed it.  I had nothing to do towards then end of the day so I was kind of bored.  I wasn't productive today because all of my work was already done.  I learned about some IT attacks that people presented.  I want to learn more on encryption.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cycle 18 Day 7

Today I finished my independent project.  Luckily I only had to write 800 words instead or 1000 because I was able to use two of my golden tickets I had left.  Once I was done with that I was able to relax.  Overall the day was good. I was productive, at the beginning of the day I only had like 100 words and before lunch I had all 800.  I learned that PlayStation 2 was the most popular gaming system selling 150 million units.  I want to learn more on encryption.   

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Cycle 18 Day 6

Today we started our independent project.  I'm researching about how the PlayStation network got hacked.  Overall it was a good day. I got to leave early at like 11 and then went to work.  I was productive for the time that I had.  Today I learned about a hacker group named Anonymous.  Some people feel that this group was responsible for the attack but the group claims they didn't do it.  I want to learn more about the PSN attack.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Cycle 18 Day 5

Today we practiced the DWTA again.  It was easy.  After that we read more of chapter 2 or internet security.  Then we had pull outs.  When we finally got back we did the actual DWTA and I got a 100 on it.  Today was an easy day and the lesson was good.  I was productive today too.  I want to learn more on encryption.

Cycle 18 Day 4

Today we had a practice DWTA.  It was pretty easy but some of the questions were worded so badly that it made the question awkward.  It was almost like there was more than one answer to the question.  After the DWTA we did some more on internet security.  I learned that some people who make tests really should because they do a crappy job.  I want to learn more on encryption I think because it seems really interesting to me.  I was productive today.  I got what I needed to, done.  Overall today was a good day.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Cycle 18 Day 3

Today we installed the printers and net control.  After that we showed off our encryption things and stuff like that. It was an easy day so I was happy.  I was productive, I got what I needed to, done.  I learned some more methods of encryption.  Jeremy and Mike had a really hard encryption thing which I found interesting.  I definitely want to learn more about this kind of stuff.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cycle 18 Day 2

Today we did a lot on encryption and decryption.  It was pretty cool.  Adam and I teamed up and we made a really good encrypted message.  I can't wait to see if anyone can decrypt it.  I learned a lot today because of that movie we watched with that guy from Google.  I think I definitely want to learn more on encryption and decryption.  I was really productive, me and Adam got our encryption all done.  I liked how today went.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Cycle 18 Day 1

Today we learned about internet security.  It was more than that though.  We first started off talking about security in general, types of security, and stuff like that.  I learned a lot, which was good.  Overall I thought the lesson was good because we worked as a class and read chapter 1 together.  I was productive today and got all those words filled out that needed to be answered all in the time that I was given.  I think I want to learn more on internet security, not just that though, i want to figure out how to hack it.