Saturday, May 14, 2011

Cycle 16 Day 7

Today is finally friday!  Thank God.  I had only one thing to do today which was to price out a laptop.  Budget $1400 so it wasn't hard.  Again I finished it up quickly so I was able to do anything after that.  I wasn't all that productive because I waited until like then end of the day to get that laptop.  Other than that though it was a good day because it was like a catch-up day.  I didn't really learn anything other then this one thing in math lab.  I'm in the Algebra 2 math class so we did some stuff on factoring that i didn't know.  I still want to learn about hacking.

Cycle 16 Day 6

Today I finished up all of my work.  Luckily I brought my laptop so now I can do whatever.  I was really productive because I just wanted to get all my work done so then the rest of the day I could relax.  So after I was done I started watching a movie.  The lesson was good because all we had to do was finish our work.  I didn't really learn anything today but I do want to learn more about hacking.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cycle 16 Day 5

Today we got new assignments.  They are videos on excel that we have to watch and edit spread sheets shown in the videos.  There are a lot of them so I'm not sure if I'll have time to finish. The lesson was good because if we wanted to we could do it as a class together. We have tomorrow to do this stuff to so it's all good.  We also made our Microsoft SkyDrive account.  I learned about Microsoft SkyDrive.  I didn't know about it before.  I want to learn more on Operating systems

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cycle 16 Day 4

Today we continued with more bookwork.  I finished a couple assignments yesterday and then we played this game.  After that we split up into teams and finished the crossword puzzle.  I thought the lesson was good.  The bookwork was easy and at the end of the day it was good to stop, play that game, and do the crossword puzzle.  I learned that I need to go to sleep earlier because I'm tired all the time.  I still want to do stuff on operating systems.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cycle 16 Day 3

Today we were assigned excel work.  It was easy so I can't complain.  I finished it with a lot of time to spare so after I was done I was able to relax the rest of the day.  I learned that Excel isn't hard, it's just tedious.  I want to learn/work on operating systems, like how they work and how you make them.  I thought the lesson today was good because all we had to do was bookwork.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Cycle 16 Day 1 and 2

Yesterday was Day 1 and we just started reformating our machines. Today is Day 2 and I finished reformating my machine.  After that I made my user and stuff like that.  It was an easy day.  I was productive, getting my work done before lunch.  The rest of the day I just helped people who needed it.  Today I didn't learn anything new.  I want to learn more about what car I'm going to buy.  I got to figure that out soon.