Friday, April 8, 2011

Cycle 14 Day 8

Today I did more on the poster project.  Tomorrow my team and  I will hopefully finish it up...we have to, it's due tomorrow.  We have all of our information we just have to put it on the poster.  Today I learned that RAID is hard to research because there is so much info on it.  I want to more about how L1 and L@ cache's still unanswered.  The day was good, I got a lot done and I was productive all the way up to the end of the day, which then I took a break just to relax because so much had already got done.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cycle 14 Day 7

Today we had an all day assembly about how hate is bad.  It was aimed at getting students to be nicer to everybody in the school.  Everybody seems like they want change so hopefully things will change.  I learned the even judging someone is considered bad... I think I've always known that but I never thought that it really mattered as long as I didn't say anything.  I want things to change that would be good.  I think the assembly was good but I'm not sure if everybody took it seriously.  Hopefully people will do what they said they would do yesterday.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cycle 14 Day 6

Today I finished my laptop for Mr.Reilly and I got a golden ticket.  I also finished chapter 5 of the bookwork and used 2 more tickets on the other two chapters.  I was productive today and it was also a good day because it was just a day of relaxing.  Tomorrow is this hate assembly which is going to be boring because I saw it twice at my old school.  Hopefully I'll be able to sleep.  At the end of the day we got assigned a new project which seems cool.  we got to make a poster on the Hard Drive.  I got to see the hard drive spin without the top of the case on it which was cool.  I want to learn more about L1 and L2 cache still.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cycle 14 Day 5

Today we went over the parts of a computer.  It was a good break from doing all the bookwork.  I got so tired of that work.  The work is not hard it's just a lot of flipping pages back and forth to get the answers.  It was an easy relaxing day so I can't complain.  The lesson was good and I did get a lot of the work done, so I was productive.  I did learn something yesterday, the most common voltage it 5 volts.  I want to learn more about L1 and L2 cache.  I don't know what its job is and I don't know why it's there.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Cycle 14 Day 4

Today Adam and I finished labeling all 8 machines we formated in the back.  We got 2 tickets each and I got another one for something I did on the PowerPoint.  I also did some of the hardware bookwork and on Monday I'll finish that.  I was productive today and the lesson was good.  I learned some little stuff about hardware.  I already know a lot about hardware so thats why I like this work.  I want to learn more on operating systems i think because i want to mod them and see how they work (codes).

Cycle 14 Day 3

Today we presented our PowerPoint projects.  It was pretty easy, I kind of liked it.  After everyone presented we watched a video that we are going to continue tomorrow about the greatest inventions.  The day was pretty easy, just relaxed and watched the presentations and a video.  Overall it was a good day.  All I had to do was touch-up on the PowerPoint a little and that was all I did.  I was productive when I had to be.  I learned some cool stuff on the topics people presented so it was fun.  I want to learn more about the inventions that are on that video.