Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cycle 14 day 2

Today I finished more machines in the back.  There are a lot of machines done now.  I didn't focus on the machines as much as I did yesterday, I worked on the PowerPoint and tomorrow I'll finish up some finishing touches to get it as good as I can.  Not looking forward to presenting it but I've done it so many times that it isn't really a big deal.  I was really productive, I even got a gold ticket for getting a specific website on the PowerPoint.  I liked what I did today the lesson was good, we got to play some of those flash games that people made and that was pretty fun.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cycle 14 Day 1

Today I worked in the back room with Adam and we formatted 3 machines with XP pro.  Another 3 were being formatted but we had to leave before they could get done. I'm going to finish them tomorrow.  Adam and I also had detention today.  We finished our PowerPoint as well and Derick brought it home to improve it with some Photoshop.  I was productive today and I hope that tomorrow will be good to.  I plan to finish more machines tomorrow and present the PowerPoint I guess.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cycle 12 Day 14

Today Adam and I brought in both our computers an setup in the backroom.  It was good because we were able to focus more on the stuff we had to do and also when we needed a break we could play games.  We tried to finish our flash game but it didn't workout so I used my 2 tickets on it.  Other than that I didn't really do all that much because by the time I realized I couldn't figure out how to get the game to work the day was pretty much over so I used my tickets on it and then played games.  I was productive when I had to do things and then I played games.  I would like to figure out what I did wrong on the game because it wasn't working, but I'm over it.  I was happy I brought my computer in.

Cycle 12 Day 13

Today was another half day.  We continued to do that big flash site.  I also finished my PowerPoints and that one Word document.  I was so glad to get those done because I didn't want to have to deal with it anymore.  Today I learned how to add timings to when the flash pieces enter the site.  I want to learn how to make that flash game.  Me and Adam started that today as well.  We both were really productive so it was good.  Overall I thought the lesson was good.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cycle 12 Day 12

Today was another half day!  I finished those PowerPoint things for that most point except for the 3d effects part.  I'll have to do that tomorrow.  After that we did the flash project as a class which was good because I was kind of lost.  I like doing things as a class, I feel like I learn better that way.  I was productive, getting the tasks that I needed to get done at least started and some finished.  I learned how to do more things in flash and I really want to get started with my game. I have it all planned out, it's gonna be pretty cool.  Thats what
I want to learn more about, making games.  I thought the lesson was good today, i liked it.

Cycle 12 Day 11

Today I did nothing.  I wanted to do all of my flash assignments but flash was not installed.  I had to install CS4 but many problems occurred and I had almost finished installing it at the end of the day.  Hopefully I will get my work done tomorrow.  I was not really productive at all so I really need to work hard tomorrow which is a half day.  I learned that trying to install CS4 can be a pain.  After I finish my work, hopefully I will be able to make a cool little game.  Sounds fun.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cycle 12 Day 10

I was absent.

Cycle 12 Day 9

Today was kind of fun.  We used PowerPoint again just to stop flash for a while.  I was glad to do that cause flash is kind of getting boring.  I got all that I need to get done, done.  I was productive today overall.  I learned how to embed YouTube videos in PowerPoint as well as embedding internet browser, and windows media player.  It was something other than flash so it was good.  I want to learn about computer parts are coming out later this year for Intel....I heard something about x68  which is an improvement over what I already have, x58.  

Friday, March 4, 2011

Cycle 12 Day 8

Today was another half day.  Flash continued.  We used the bone tool assignment and improved it by having the cheerleader only move her hand once, instead of continuously waving.  That is what I learned today.  the lesson was good....nice and simple but also just the right amount of work for a half day.  I was productive with the work I did because I got it done pretty fast.  I think I want to take a break from Flash for a bit but it doesn't matter that much because I still want to learn about it.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cycle 12 Day 7

Today was a half day.  We worked with Flash again.  It was pretty interesting but kind of difficult.  We all had a hard time using the bone tool at first but then it was all good.  I learned how to use the bone tool and blur motions.  I got everything I needed to get done today so I was productive.  I think the lesson was good because it wasn't too much work for a half a day.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cycle 12 Day 6

Today flash player was used.  Since I missed yesterdays lesson I did all of the work for yesterday plus all of the work assigned today.  I learned tons of flash player stuff because i had never used it before.  It was pretty cool to see how everything works.  I was really productive today.  I got all the work i needed to get done done.  I think the lesson was good but I wish I didn't get a headache at the end of the day because I lost focus.  The thing I want to learn about now is how to make programs using Java.  my friend is trying to do something like that and it's pretty cool.  

Cycle 12 Day 5

Today I was absent.