Friday, February 25, 2011

Cycle 12 Day 4

Today I didn't do much of anything.  I helped a few people out but that was about it because I was done with all my work.  Today I learned (or found) a program that will figure out my read and write speeds of my SSD raid.  I'm gonna test it out when I get home.  Overclocking is pretty interesting so I still want to learn more about it.  My thoughts on this class was that I was bored today because I didn't have anything to do.  I'm not complaining because I got some time to relax but I still would have preferred to have something to do.  I liked that I finished all my work yesterday so that i was able to research some stuff today.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cycle 12 Day 3

Today wasn't all that exciting.  I finished my PowerPoint projects so now i don't have to worry about that but overall I really didn't do that much.  Today I did learn that I need to keep my shirt buttoned............unfortunately.  I like it unbuttoned I don't think it looks bad but whatever.  Anyways, I was productive today when I did my work but as I finished up the day I didn't have much to do.  When I finished my work I tried to learn more About over-clocking because thats what I'm interested in at the moment.  That's still what I want to learn about.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cycle 12 Day 2

Today Adam and I cleared out the whole back room.  It looks really good now.  We also worked on our PowerPoint assignments.  Those two golden tickets will come in handy with those.  I didn't really learn a lot today but I was really productive.  I want to learn more about over clocking because now that my machine is done I'm trying to see how far I can push it. I don't like this Microsoft Office stuff....I want to get into some more in depth stuff.  

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cycle 12 Day 1

Today we started working with PowerPoint.  While I was doing the PowerPoint work I also made my proxy.  I had some trouble with it at first but now it's all good.  I was really productive today.  Out of 10 assignments I did 4 and then started the 5th one.  Today was a good day because I got the proxy done and i kind of like doing PowerPoint work.