Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 9

Today we created a bootable CD for imaging.  It was really interesting to figure out because it was not easy.  I had fun doing it. I learned how to make this bootable CD which was pretty cool.  I was very productive today and overall i got a lot done.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 8

Today we had an 90 minute delay.  Once we finally got to school, we worked on those Word bookwork and Adam and I worked on the back room some more.  We are organizing everything and its really good so far.  I learned that there is a ton of old stuff in the back that most likely no one will every use again.  Its pretty cool.  I was really productive and got a lot more of the back room done.  i didn't dislike anything today so it's all good.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 7

Today we did more Word assignments.  I completed three out of the four all together and then i started to organize the back room to get it ready to set up for the new stations.  I didn't really learn anything new except some small things in Word.  I really want to get that back room done because its will be really useful down the road for seeing how things work in the different stations especially if we get the networking station set up.  Today was a good day I got a lot done and I plan on working on the back room again tomorrow.  Organization is going to be the plan for tomorrow.  The Word assignments were easy as well so i am not packed down with work.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 6

Today I did a lot of different things.  At the start of the class we voted on the flyers and then we got some bookwork.  Adam and I picked up the computer from Emac and fixed its problem and then we helped out with the networking by sorting out wires.  Today I didn't really learn anything new I was just doing some Word stuff and the computer just needed a USB keyboard and mouse.  I want to know more about the networking because it looks complicated and I like to learn these kinds of things.  I thought today was pretty cool cause i was able to do more than just the Word work.  i was really productive all day so I'm happy.  I don't like getting this bookwork but it has to be done I guess.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 5

Today in IST we went over some Word documents to review what we know and to refresh our memories.  It was easy because it gave us the information we needed to complete our tasks.  I learned small things, like how to make a border around the page and how to edit things on a picture.  I know all the basics of word but i would like to get more in depth.  I was able to get a lot accomplished today and I'm basically done with all the things i was assigned.  I can't say I like doing things with Word but its easy so I won't complain.  I thought the lesson was fine I just did my work and didn't have any problems.  Overall today was a good day.