Friday, December 23, 2011

Day 7 Cycle 7

Today I put together my normal watercooled machine.  It was really cool because I had to rewire my whole machine and also add the tubing to run the water through everything.  I'm gonna bring in 2 new fittings tomorrow and then ill be done putting it together.  After that I'm gonna run water through the system and then it'll all be good.  Tomorrow is a half day party so I'm pumped cause I"ll be able to use it and get temperatures.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Day 6 Cycle 7

Today Mike and I finally came up with a plan to make that mineral oil tank.  We worked through every single problem so hopefully there won't be any problems when we are building it.  Obviously there probably will be.  I'm hopefully gonna get the glass stuff to make the tank after christmas.  Hopefully it will be done soon.  I HATE WAITING!!!  It was actually really hard to get a good drawing of the tank.  There are some many little problems to work out.  Little problems that turn out to be big problems.  It's all good now though

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Day 5 Cycle 7

Today I changed my mind....AGAIN.  I'm going to make both the watercooling and mineral oil thing.  I have to plan out a case that contains all the parts which is gonna be hard but I'm sure I'll figure it out.  I'm hopefully going to bring in the watercooling parts tomorrow but that won't really help me that much.  It was a good day overall though.

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Day 4 Cycle 7

Today I felt like I didn't get much done.  Not sure how the project is gonna work...I have a lot of thinking to do. I'm sure it'll work out I just don't know how crazy I'm going to get with it.  I learned about this silicone stuff that I  can paint onto my motherboard to protect against condensation.  I have to research more on that.  I want this stuff to work really bad and I want to get everything to the point where it all works.

Monday, December 19, 2011

Day 3 Cycle 7

Today I learned that the best way to get this whole project to work is to combine both mineral oil and watercooling to make for the best results.  I'm pretty pumped to design this thing now.  In theory I don't have to worry about condensation now so I can use a lot of different of liquids to cool the components.  If I get into it I might be able to use liquid CO2 and stuff like that.  Also it's a half day so it's all good.  I really want to do this project.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Day 2 Cycle 7

Today Mike and I looked at diferent liquids to cool with and also how to possibly use peltiers.  I learned that condensation is a pain.  It's getting in the way of everything.  I really want to get this stuff done.  I'm really pumped to put all this stuff together.  Tomorrow is a half day so I'm sure it won't be that exciting.

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Day 1 Cycle 7

Today Mike and I started making the website to document my liquid cooling project.  It seems like its goning to come out really good.  I figured I could take before and after pictures of my temperatures and then get a lot of pictures of building the whole thing.  It's going to be a lot of pictures so I'm hoping I can arrange them in such a way that the website won't be huge.  Today I learned that HTML is really complicated but easy to find out what I need to know.  Tonight I'm gonna buy the parts I need so I'm pretty pumped.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Day 10 Cycle 5

Today Mike and I started doing our mach cardboard setup.  It's not finished so hopefully tomorrow I'll get most of it done.  It's a half day tomorrow so I don't think I'll have time to finish the whole thing.  Overall I did good but got kind of lazy towards the end of the day because I knew tomorrow was a half day.  I learned that the way I have things setup might not work when trying to get at the DVI ports. I hope it all work out.

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

Day 9 Cycle 5

Today Mike and I finished up some designs for the lexan case.  Were going to make a mach setup out of cardboard tomorrow if we can.  I still have to order some mineral oil online and buy the lexan planes.  Next shop cycle I hope to get some of this project done.  Today I didn't really learn much, just some of the stuff for the DWTA.  We have to take that (sarcasm).  I really want to get this stuff done.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Day 8 Cycle 5

Today I brought in my machine to measure some parts.  I also did some more drawings.  Hopefully I'll be able to make this case soon.  I was pretty productive today I now have a few drawings to go on.  I learned that trying to find mineral oil at stores is like impossible.  I went to Sears, Walmart, HomeDepot and Lowes and no one had what I was looking for.  I'm gonna have to buy it online.  I want to learn more on how cold I can get the mineral oil and how it acts when its at colder temps.

Friday, November 18, 2011

day 7 Cycle 5

Today Mike and I made a drawing of the glass case I have to make for my mineral oil cooled PC.  I'm really excited to get this thing done but I know it will probably take a good amount of time.  Designing is the hardest part, and thats what I'm doing now.  I didn't learn anything new today but i did have to troubleshoot ideas about how to get everything to work in the case and stuf like that.  It's really complicated but i'll be really proud of it when I'm done.  I can't wait to start building this thing.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Day 6 Cycle 5

Today Adam and I finished the wireless cards.  I was happy to get those done because they were a major pain.  Mr. Sid had a good idea to do a project were I can make watercooling stuff for my computer.  I'm really excited about it because I really want to do that and I'm able to have my parents buy all the stuff I need.  They said they were excited for me because I really wanted to do all this stuff...they said they would be happy to fund all this stuff.  I'm pretty stoked, I just hope it works out all good and doesn't fry my motherboard and stuff.  I want to learn more about the watercooling setup so I'm going to do some research tomorrow.  I was productive overall today. 

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Day 5 Cycle 5

Today was a half day.  I didn't really do much today because I got all of my work done.  It was a good day to not do much because it was short.  I can't wait for the week to be over...I'm pretty tired.  I learned about compression ratios.  I want to learn more about high performance motors (superchargers/turbos).

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Day 4 Cycle 5

Today I finished all of my powerpoints except for one.  There pretty easy but I still have to watch the videos that you don't have to do any work one.  Overall I was productive.  I learned some little stuff with Powerpoint but nothing major.  I did a little with the wireless cards but it has to be started over so it didn't really matter because it didn't work.  Today was easy and tomorrow is a half day.  It's all good.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Day 3 Cycle 5

Today Mike and I had to modify those wireless cards.  We got a couple done but did everything else, now all we have to do is drill the holes and put them together.  The job is basically done.  Other than that I didn't really do much because it was an all day job.  I was as productive as possible but didn't learn much.  I want to learn about networking soon.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Day 2 Cycle 5

Today in IST we started doing PowerPoint work.  I'm not excited about this at all but I have to do it so it's all good I guess.  I want to learn stuff on networking because it's really in depth and you can make some major money in that field.  Today I didn't learn anything major just some small stuff in PowerPoint.  I had a good day today and got some of the PowerPoint things done so I was productive.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Day 1 Cycle 5

Today is Monday.  We finally went back to school after having a week off from the snow we got last sunday.  It was a nice vacation.  Tomorrow we have off again.  I didn't really do much today because it was a catch up day.  People had to get there averages past 75 but mine already was so I didn't have to do anything.  Also my finally project is done because iI used my golden tickets.  I wasn't productive because I didn't produce anything.  Overall it was a lazy day but it was a good day.

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Day 9 Cycle 3

Today is FRIDAY! We get a 3 day weekend which is pretty awesome.  I finished all the green tutorials that were on the Word document.  Now I have to do this huge 4 page essay thing.  Not looking forward to that.  I was productive because I got my tutorials done and worked on getting tables in the other room.  Hopefully I got a ticket for that.  I learned that the tables me and adam carried here are pretty heavy after carrying a few up ramps and down hallways.  I want to learn more about manipulating operating systems

Friday, October 7, 2011

Day 8 Cycle 3

Today was a lazy day for me.  I got all my tutorials done so I wanted to relax until lunch.  I wasn't very productive but I plan on working a lot tomorrow because its a half day.  ITS ALSO FRIDAY!  I want to learn more about manipulating operating systems.  I learned that a 4 page paper is a lot of writing.  Tomorrow is gonna feel really long.

Thursday, October 6, 2011

Day 7 Cycle 3

Today we continued doing our tutorials.  We have a lot of tutorials to do but luckily i only have 2 more to do.  THESE THINGS ARE DRIVING ME CRAZY.  They're not hard there just really boring.  I get one done and take a break.  I was productive but I took a lot of breaks.  I dont like tutorials. I want to learn more on manipulating operating systems.  today I learned how to root my Droid.

Wednesday, October 5, 2011

Day 6 Cycle 3

Today in IST we finished doing our dual boot system.  When we were done with that we had to make a VMware virtual machine of Windows on our native Linux operating system.  It was an easy day and I got done what was required.  I was productive but was also able to take a few breaks here and there.  I learned that I cant use a VMware file on Windows in Linux.  I want to learn about manipulating operating systems.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Day 5 Cycle 3

Today we continued with our tutorial work.  Also we had to make a Ubuntu/Windows 7 dual boot.  I got most of the work done so hopefully I can take it easy tomorrow.  I was very productive today.  I'm starting to get really bored with tutorials just because there very tidious.  I like the dual boot stuff cause I know how to do it.  I don't know a lot about it but I've done it before.  I want to learn more about manipulating operating systems.

Monday, October 3, 2011

Day 4 Cycle 3

Today we continued working on tutorials.  We have a whole bunch of work due at the end of the cycle so I will be busy for a while.  Hopefully I'll get through all of it soon.  I was productive today but I still had some down time.  I have to start my IS thing.  I don't really like doing tutorials just because they're so tidious.  I like doing virtual machine stuff so thats what I want to learn more about.

Friday, September 30, 2011

Day 3 Cycle 3

Today we finished our Ubuntu virtual machines.  We then made a tutorial on how to instal VMware tools on it.  I was productive but I don't really like doing tutorials.  I like the virtual machines that we are doing and I want to manipulate operating systems.  The lesson was good and the day was easy.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Day 2 Cycle 3

Today we continued working with VMware.  We finished installing Windows XP and also started getting Mac OSX to install.  At the end of the day we installed a linux distribution of our choice.  Overall the day was productive.  It was a half day so everything went smoothly.  I like what we are doing.  Virtual machines are pretty cool.  I want to learn more on virtual machines but more in depth.  I learned a good amount today but about little things.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Day 1 Cycle 3

Today we started working with virtual machines.  We downloaded everything and then worked with VMware.  MS virtual machine didn't end up working.  Today was an easy day mostly just because I've worked a good amount with VMware player before. I actually use it on my computer at home. I was very productive. Today I learned that ubuntu is a product related to linux. I want to learn more on VMware player, its pretty interesting.

Friday, June 17, 2011

Cycle 18 Day 9

Today we didn't do much.  I saw some more presentations.  Mr.Sid's friend also skyped us which was cool because he is a penatration tester.  He does all that good hacking stuff.  I want to get into that stuff I think.  I didn't have any work to do so I wasn't productive.  I want to learn more on being a penetration tester because I was able to learn a lot about it today.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Cycle 18 Day 8

Today we did some of the presentation.  It was for our IT attack research project.  People still have to present tomorrow.  Today was easy going so I enjoyed it.  I had nothing to do towards then end of the day so I was kind of bored.  I wasn't productive today because all of my work was already done.  I learned about some IT attacks that people presented.  I want to learn more on encryption.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Cycle 18 Day 7

Today I finished my independent project.  Luckily I only had to write 800 words instead or 1000 because I was able to use two of my golden tickets I had left.  Once I was done with that I was able to relax.  Overall the day was good. I was productive, at the beginning of the day I only had like 100 words and before lunch I had all 800.  I learned that PlayStation 2 was the most popular gaming system selling 150 million units.  I want to learn more on encryption.   

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Cycle 18 Day 6

Today we started our independent project.  I'm researching about how the PlayStation network got hacked.  Overall it was a good day. I got to leave early at like 11 and then went to work.  I was productive for the time that I had.  Today I learned about a hacker group named Anonymous.  Some people feel that this group was responsible for the attack but the group claims they didn't do it.  I want to learn more about the PSN attack.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Cycle 18 Day 5

Today we practiced the DWTA again.  It was easy.  After that we read more of chapter 2 or internet security.  Then we had pull outs.  When we finally got back we did the actual DWTA and I got a 100 on it.  Today was an easy day and the lesson was good.  I was productive today too.  I want to learn more on encryption.

Cycle 18 Day 4

Today we had a practice DWTA.  It was pretty easy but some of the questions were worded so badly that it made the question awkward.  It was almost like there was more than one answer to the question.  After the DWTA we did some more on internet security.  I learned that some people who make tests really should because they do a crappy job.  I want to learn more on encryption I think because it seems really interesting to me.  I was productive today.  I got what I needed to, done.  Overall today was a good day.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

Cycle 18 Day 3

Today we installed the printers and net control.  After that we showed off our encryption things and stuff like that. It was an easy day so I was happy.  I was productive, I got what I needed to, done.  I learned some more methods of encryption.  Jeremy and Mike had a really hard encryption thing which I found interesting.  I definitely want to learn more about this kind of stuff.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Cycle 18 Day 2

Today we did a lot on encryption and decryption.  It was pretty cool.  Adam and I teamed up and we made a really good encrypted message.  I can't wait to see if anyone can decrypt it.  I learned a lot today because of that movie we watched with that guy from Google.  I think I definitely want to learn more on encryption and decryption.  I was really productive, me and Adam got our encryption all done.  I liked how today went.

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Cycle 18 Day 1

Today we learned about internet security.  It was more than that though.  We first started off talking about security in general, types of security, and stuff like that.  I learned a lot, which was good.  Overall I thought the lesson was good because we worked as a class and read chapter 1 together.  I was productive today and got all those words filled out that needed to be answered all in the time that I was given.  I think I want to learn more on internet security, not just that though, i want to figure out how to hack it.

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Cycle 16 Day 7

Today is finally friday!  Thank God.  I had only one thing to do today which was to price out a laptop.  Budget $1400 so it wasn't hard.  Again I finished it up quickly so I was able to do anything after that.  I wasn't all that productive because I waited until like then end of the day to get that laptop.  Other than that though it was a good day because it was like a catch-up day.  I didn't really learn anything other then this one thing in math lab.  I'm in the Algebra 2 math class so we did some stuff on factoring that i didn't know.  I still want to learn about hacking.

Cycle 16 Day 6

Today I finished up all of my work.  Luckily I brought my laptop so now I can do whatever.  I was really productive because I just wanted to get all my work done so then the rest of the day I could relax.  So after I was done I started watching a movie.  The lesson was good because all we had to do was finish our work.  I didn't really learn anything today but I do want to learn more about hacking.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Cycle 16 Day 5

Today we got new assignments.  They are videos on excel that we have to watch and edit spread sheets shown in the videos.  There are a lot of them so I'm not sure if I'll have time to finish. The lesson was good because if we wanted to we could do it as a class together. We have tomorrow to do this stuff to so it's all good.  We also made our Microsoft SkyDrive account.  I learned about Microsoft SkyDrive.  I didn't know about it before.  I want to learn more on Operating systems

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cycle 16 Day 4

Today we continued with more bookwork.  I finished a couple assignments yesterday and then we played this game.  After that we split up into teams and finished the crossword puzzle.  I thought the lesson was good.  The bookwork was easy and at the end of the day it was good to stop, play that game, and do the crossword puzzle.  I learned that I need to go to sleep earlier because I'm tired all the time.  I still want to do stuff on operating systems.

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Cycle 16 Day 3

Today we were assigned excel work.  It was easy so I can't complain.  I finished it with a lot of time to spare so after I was done I was able to relax the rest of the day.  I learned that Excel isn't hard, it's just tedious.  I want to learn/work on operating systems, like how they work and how you make them.  I thought the lesson today was good because all we had to do was bookwork.

Friday, May 6, 2011

Cycle 16 Day 1 and 2

Yesterday was Day 1 and we just started reformating our machines. Today is Day 2 and I finished reformating my machine.  After that I made my user and stuff like that.  It was an easy day.  I was productive, getting my work done before lunch.  The rest of the day I just helped people who needed it.  Today I didn't learn anything new.  I want to learn more about what car I'm going to buy.  I got to figure that out soon.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Cycle 14 Day 8

Today I did more on the poster project.  Tomorrow my team and  I will hopefully finish it up...we have to, it's due tomorrow.  We have all of our information we just have to put it on the poster.  Today I learned that RAID is hard to research because there is so much info on it.  I want to more about how L1 and L@ cache's still unanswered.  The day was good, I got a lot done and I was productive all the way up to the end of the day, which then I took a break just to relax because so much had already got done.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Cycle 14 Day 7

Today we had an all day assembly about how hate is bad.  It was aimed at getting students to be nicer to everybody in the school.  Everybody seems like they want change so hopefully things will change.  I learned the even judging someone is considered bad... I think I've always known that but I never thought that it really mattered as long as I didn't say anything.  I want things to change that would be good.  I think the assembly was good but I'm not sure if everybody took it seriously.  Hopefully people will do what they said they would do yesterday.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Cycle 14 Day 6

Today I finished my laptop for Mr.Reilly and I got a golden ticket.  I also finished chapter 5 of the bookwork and used 2 more tickets on the other two chapters.  I was productive today and it was also a good day because it was just a day of relaxing.  Tomorrow is this hate assembly which is going to be boring because I saw it twice at my old school.  Hopefully I'll be able to sleep.  At the end of the day we got assigned a new project which seems cool.  we got to make a poster on the Hard Drive.  I got to see the hard drive spin without the top of the case on it which was cool.  I want to learn more about L1 and L2 cache still.

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Cycle 14 Day 5

Today we went over the parts of a computer.  It was a good break from doing all the bookwork.  I got so tired of that work.  The work is not hard it's just a lot of flipping pages back and forth to get the answers.  It was an easy relaxing day so I can't complain.  The lesson was good and I did get a lot of the work done, so I was productive.  I did learn something yesterday, the most common voltage it 5 volts.  I want to learn more about L1 and L2 cache.  I don't know what its job is and I don't know why it's there.

Friday, April 1, 2011

Cycle 14 Day 4

Today Adam and I finished labeling all 8 machines we formated in the back.  We got 2 tickets each and I got another one for something I did on the PowerPoint.  I also did some of the hardware bookwork and on Monday I'll finish that.  I was productive today and the lesson was good.  I learned some little stuff about hardware.  I already know a lot about hardware so thats why I like this work.  I want to learn more on operating systems i think because i want to mod them and see how they work (codes).

Cycle 14 Day 3

Today we presented our PowerPoint projects.  It was pretty easy, I kind of liked it.  After everyone presented we watched a video that we are going to continue tomorrow about the greatest inventions.  The day was pretty easy, just relaxed and watched the presentations and a video.  Overall it was a good day.  All I had to do was touch-up on the PowerPoint a little and that was all I did.  I was productive when I had to be.  I learned some cool stuff on the topics people presented so it was fun.  I want to learn more about the inventions that are on that video.

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cycle 14 day 2

Today I finished more machines in the back.  There are a lot of machines done now.  I didn't focus on the machines as much as I did yesterday, I worked on the PowerPoint and tomorrow I'll finish up some finishing touches to get it as good as I can.  Not looking forward to presenting it but I've done it so many times that it isn't really a big deal.  I was really productive, I even got a gold ticket for getting a specific website on the PowerPoint.  I liked what I did today the lesson was good, we got to play some of those flash games that people made and that was pretty fun.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Cycle 14 Day 1

Today I worked in the back room with Adam and we formatted 3 machines with XP pro.  Another 3 were being formatted but we had to leave before they could get done. I'm going to finish them tomorrow.  Adam and I also had detention today.  We finished our PowerPoint as well and Derick brought it home to improve it with some Photoshop.  I was productive today and I hope that tomorrow will be good to.  I plan to finish more machines tomorrow and present the PowerPoint I guess.

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Cycle 12 Day 14

Today Adam and I brought in both our computers an setup in the backroom.  It was good because we were able to focus more on the stuff we had to do and also when we needed a break we could play games.  We tried to finish our flash game but it didn't workout so I used my 2 tickets on it.  Other than that I didn't really do all that much because by the time I realized I couldn't figure out how to get the game to work the day was pretty much over so I used my tickets on it and then played games.  I was productive when I had to do things and then I played games.  I would like to figure out what I did wrong on the game because it wasn't working, but I'm over it.  I was happy I brought my computer in.

Cycle 12 Day 13

Today was another half day.  We continued to do that big flash site.  I also finished my PowerPoints and that one Word document.  I was so glad to get those done because I didn't want to have to deal with it anymore.  Today I learned how to add timings to when the flash pieces enter the site.  I want to learn how to make that flash game.  Me and Adam started that today as well.  We both were really productive so it was good.  Overall I thought the lesson was good.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Cycle 12 Day 12

Today was another half day!  I finished those PowerPoint things for that most point except for the 3d effects part.  I'll have to do that tomorrow.  After that we did the flash project as a class which was good because I was kind of lost.  I like doing things as a class, I feel like I learn better that way.  I was productive, getting the tasks that I needed to get done at least started and some finished.  I learned how to do more things in flash and I really want to get started with my game. I have it all planned out, it's gonna be pretty cool.  Thats what
I want to learn more about, making games.  I thought the lesson was good today, i liked it.

Cycle 12 Day 11

Today I did nothing.  I wanted to do all of my flash assignments but flash was not installed.  I had to install CS4 but many problems occurred and I had almost finished installing it at the end of the day.  Hopefully I will get my work done tomorrow.  I was not really productive at all so I really need to work hard tomorrow which is a half day.  I learned that trying to install CS4 can be a pain.  After I finish my work, hopefully I will be able to make a cool little game.  Sounds fun.

Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Cycle 12 Day 10

I was absent.

Cycle 12 Day 9

Today was kind of fun.  We used PowerPoint again just to stop flash for a while.  I was glad to do that cause flash is kind of getting boring.  I got all that I need to get done, done.  I was productive today overall.  I learned how to embed YouTube videos in PowerPoint as well as embedding internet browser, and windows media player.  It was something other than flash so it was good.  I want to learn about computer parts are coming out later this year for Intel....I heard something about x68  which is an improvement over what I already have, x58.  

Friday, March 4, 2011

Cycle 12 Day 8

Today was another half day.  Flash continued.  We used the bone tool assignment and improved it by having the cheerleader only move her hand once, instead of continuously waving.  That is what I learned today.  the lesson was good....nice and simple but also just the right amount of work for a half day.  I was productive with the work I did because I got it done pretty fast.  I think I want to take a break from Flash for a bit but it doesn't matter that much because I still want to learn about it.

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cycle 12 Day 7

Today was a half day.  We worked with Flash again.  It was pretty interesting but kind of difficult.  We all had a hard time using the bone tool at first but then it was all good.  I learned how to use the bone tool and blur motions.  I got everything I needed to get done today so I was productive.  I think the lesson was good because it wasn't too much work for a half a day.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Cycle 12 Day 6

Today flash player was used.  Since I missed yesterdays lesson I did all of the work for yesterday plus all of the work assigned today.  I learned tons of flash player stuff because i had never used it before.  It was pretty cool to see how everything works.  I was really productive today.  I got all the work i needed to get done done.  I think the lesson was good but I wish I didn't get a headache at the end of the day because I lost focus.  The thing I want to learn about now is how to make programs using Java.  my friend is trying to do something like that and it's pretty cool.  

Cycle 12 Day 5

Today I was absent.

Friday, February 25, 2011

Cycle 12 Day 4

Today I didn't do much of anything.  I helped a few people out but that was about it because I was done with all my work.  Today I learned (or found) a program that will figure out my read and write speeds of my SSD raid.  I'm gonna test it out when I get home.  Overclocking is pretty interesting so I still want to learn more about it.  My thoughts on this class was that I was bored today because I didn't have anything to do.  I'm not complaining because I got some time to relax but I still would have preferred to have something to do.  I liked that I finished all my work yesterday so that i was able to research some stuff today.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Cycle 12 Day 3

Today wasn't all that exciting.  I finished my PowerPoint projects so now i don't have to worry about that but overall I really didn't do that much.  Today I did learn that I need to keep my shirt buttoned............unfortunately.  I like it unbuttoned I don't think it looks bad but whatever.  Anyways, I was productive today when I did my work but as I finished up the day I didn't have much to do.  When I finished my work I tried to learn more About over-clocking because thats what I'm interested in at the moment.  That's still what I want to learn about.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Cycle 12 Day 2

Today Adam and I cleared out the whole back room.  It looks really good now.  We also worked on our PowerPoint assignments.  Those two golden tickets will come in handy with those.  I didn't really learn a lot today but I was really productive.  I want to learn more about over clocking because now that my machine is done I'm trying to see how far I can push it. I don't like this Microsoft Office stuff....I want to get into some more in depth stuff.  

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Cycle 12 Day 1

Today we started working with PowerPoint.  While I was doing the PowerPoint work I also made my proxy.  I had some trouble with it at first but now it's all good.  I was really productive today.  Out of 10 assignments I did 4 and then started the 5th one.  Today was a good day because I got the proxy done and i kind of like doing PowerPoint work.

Monday, January 31, 2011

Day 9

Today we created a bootable CD for imaging.  It was really interesting to figure out because it was not easy.  I had fun doing it. I learned how to make this bootable CD which was pretty cool.  I was very productive today and overall i got a lot done.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Day 8

Today we had an 90 minute delay.  Once we finally got to school, we worked on those Word bookwork and Adam and I worked on the back room some more.  We are organizing everything and its really good so far.  I learned that there is a ton of old stuff in the back that most likely no one will every use again.  Its pretty cool.  I was really productive and got a lot more of the back room done.  i didn't dislike anything today so it's all good.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Day 7

Today we did more Word assignments.  I completed three out of the four all together and then i started to organize the back room to get it ready to set up for the new stations.  I didn't really learn anything new except some small things in Word.  I really want to get that back room done because its will be really useful down the road for seeing how things work in the different stations especially if we get the networking station set up.  Today was a good day I got a lot done and I plan on working on the back room again tomorrow.  Organization is going to be the plan for tomorrow.  The Word assignments were easy as well so i am not packed down with work.

Monday, January 24, 2011

Day 6

Today I did a lot of different things.  At the start of the class we voted on the flyers and then we got some bookwork.  Adam and I picked up the computer from Emac and fixed its problem and then we helped out with the networking by sorting out wires.  Today I didn't really learn anything new I was just doing some Word stuff and the computer just needed a USB keyboard and mouse.  I want to know more about the networking because it looks complicated and I like to learn these kinds of things.  I thought today was pretty cool cause i was able to do more than just the Word work.  i was really productive all day so I'm happy.  I don't like getting this bookwork but it has to be done I guess.

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 5

Today in IST we went over some Word documents to review what we know and to refresh our memories.  It was easy because it gave us the information we needed to complete our tasks.  I learned small things, like how to make a border around the page and how to edit things on a picture.  I know all the basics of word but i would like to get more in depth.  I was able to get a lot accomplished today and I'm basically done with all the things i was assigned.  I can't say I like doing things with Word but its easy so I won't complain.  I thought the lesson was fine I just did my work and didn't have any problems.  Overall today was a good day.