Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Day 4

Today was more HTML.  This time was way more in depth and i was able to get everything done.  i learned how to add tables and forms and do frames.  I was very productive today and I was able to help people.  Once I got everything done, I got bored so i helped people and stuff.  I liked what i did today but i just want to stop with HTML.

Day 3

I was not here in class on Day 3

Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 2

Today i got a lot done.  We did HTML more in depth than what we had done in Phase 2.  It was pretty cool but i found it a bit boring and tedious.  It was easy to do because i have done it before.  I did learn some new tags however, so it's all good.  The thing I want to know more about is how to make scripts for programs.  I seen people make some pretty cool stuff. Overall, i was productive today, however it was a bit dry in some parts.  it just wasn't my thing...oh well.     

Friday, December 17, 2010

Day 1

today in IST i had to figure out how to get Internet Explorer 9 beta to work because it decided not to.  Once i was done troubleshooting i downloaded google chrome and other things.  today i learned i need to right a blog everyday at the end of the day. i want to do networking, and today i thought i was pretty productive...except for when i wasn't.(playing games when i had nothing to do). I kinda like writing blogs.